KA Shiva is a Designer, Entrepeneur, psychic Guide, Facilitator & DJ
offering You
>> Assistance in the Dreamfield <<
Assisting you to unlock YOUR HIGHEST potential,
to follow YOUR CALLING, LIVE and EMBODY your destiny,
to share YOUR unique MEDICINE with the world.
Bookings & Sessions available:

LOVE + Relationship,
Sexuality + Intimacy
Assistance to NAVIGATE in the DREAMFIELD: CREATE Opportunities and RISE to Challenges

Abundance + Manifestation Strategies to set + reach your
​Inner Growth and Spiritual Development to
KA is a qualified guide and psychic, initiated in: essential Reiki, Deeksha, Egyptian Light Healing, TheTemplate Codes 1-16, Krija Yoga & Tantra Kriya via the BabaJi - Sarasvati lineage, Cobra Breath, ISTA Level I+II
... and LIFE ... with 3 children.
He has the ability to see through the veils and effects of constructed realities, helps you to find blockages and heal the traumata behind it.
KA works on SOUL & SOURCE level with sound & SPIRIT guides, empowering MIND and transforming mindsets,
but also activating the BODY with tantric practices, ecstatic dance & martial arts such as Tai Chi & Shaolin Kung Fu.
Assisting you to unlock YOUR HIGHEST potential, to follow YOUR CALLING, LIVE and EMBODY your destiny, to share YOUR unique MEDICINE with the world.