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Kurse + Webinare

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Abundance and Manifestation strategies - how to achieve anything your want and live the life of your Dreams !


How to Achieve Anything You Want
and Live the Life of Your Dreams

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Abundance and Manifestation strategies - dream BIG and make your Dreams come true !
Abundance and Manifestation strategies - how to achieve anything your want and live the life of your Dreams !
Crypto & DeFi Revolution - Decentralized Finance is the biggest Revolution since the advent of the Internet. Get in before the inevitable mass adoption !


Dies ist ein Textabschnitt. Klicken Sie auf „Text bearbeiten” oder doppelklicken Sie auf das Textfeld, um den Inhalt Ihrer Bedürfnisse anzupassen. Füge relevante Infos für deine Besucher hinzu.

✧ Part II : Deep Dive ✧

Different kind of competing blockchains, Layer I & II solutions, investment options, centralized & decentralized platforms.
Which are the most promising because of adoption & technology.
Pro + Contra of investments, tools & financial instruments.
How to mitigate risks, protect your investment from the
swings of these  volatile markets, and create passive Income !

Receive crypto payments easily with an universal wallet address.
Every crisis holds opportunities.  You don’t want to miss this one. 

✧ Part III ✧

22+ IMPORTANT  Investment principles  for
MAXIMUM  and  long-term  SUCCESS

An evaluation of the state-of-the-art in the Crypto space.  How to buy & sell anonymously, avoid KYC + Taxes.

INDIVIDUAL, customized strategy advice
for your Portfolio, timing and desired level of engagement.

Crypto & DeFi Revolution - Decentralized Finance is the biggest Revolution since the advent of the Internet. Every Crisis holds Opportunities. 22+ Important Investment Principles for maximum and long-term Success !!
Crypto & DeFi Revolution - Decentralized Finance is the biggest Revolution since the advent of the Internet. Every Crisis holds Opportunities. 22+ Important Investment Principles for maximum and long-term Success !!
Shaolin Kung Fu Warrior Trainings
Shaolin Kung Fu monk in perfect balance
Workshop description - online - in process.jpg
Harmonics of Space, Time and Sound in Sacred Geometry Live workshop

The Harmonics of Space & Time
as found in Music, Atoms, Molecules, Crystals, DNA,
Cells, Plants, Trees, Humans, Stars, Galaxies & more

Every moment is unique in the eternity of time.
Time is real, eternal, omnipresent.

There is no experience outside of time, because
everything in existence is made of energy: ALL vibrations
- radiating or rotating - are harmonic ratios of space and time,

defined as frequencies, wavelengths & amplitudes, geometric relations of numbers in the infinite ether of Nothingness - the Quantum field.

The Illusion is the linear perception of time.

Time is a fractally woven pattern of cycles, a coordinate system.

Every moment is deeply intertwined with all past events, which we call memory, and all future events: our individual and collective imagination.

The cosmic clock never stops progressing, ticking,
and weaving the eternal, fluctuating carpet of time.


Life is ruled by celestial patterns, the geometry of the universe, strict mathematical patterns of conscious energy fields define and direct the purpose of our lives. We can choose to resist, or we can learn to flow.

Understanding the patterns and cycles of time,
the unique energies of each day, each cycles and each being, brings a tremendous alignment and synchronicities back into our life.

Time is not the ticking of the clock, Time is n
ot money.
Time is ART. You ARE Time.

If you want to experience more flow, synchronicity and magic in your life, this live workshop / online webinar is for you.


The Nature of Time,
Secrets of the Mayan Calendars,
and the Art of Synchronicity

Book your spot

(and never again, seriously)
through the Perks of our Crowdfunding !

The online versions of the workshops are available soon.
Stay connected to hear when they are live.

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