~✧ Ecstatic Awakening ✧~
with the Medicine of Music & Dance
Unravel your wild being and move into natural Bliss...
Ecstasy is a natural state of being - you can feel it when you observe Butterflies dancing
in the air, or tune into the exquisite excitement of high frequencies the Insects inhabit.
Watch the Deer's graceful moves and it's light-hearted dance when it touches the Earth,
or the wild Cats as they beautifully contain the inner state of bliss in every moment....
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True ecstatic Dance is a rapturous intoxication with the Divine,
an embodiment of divine Love as the mind is loosing control,
a graceful expression of beauty, as we let go and make space.
As we journey into the Heart we surrender ourselves ...
open to feel whatever is holding us back from receiving divine Love.
The more we feel, the more we become empty, and the more we can
receive of the unconditional stream of ecstatic bliss in Union with all that is.

Ecstatic Dance Journeys
with DJ CosMix
I've been dancing wildly and ecstatically ever since my Teenage time, and back then, it was mostly Psychedelic Rock and Goa that turned me on and gave me the space to enter into deep states of Trance. Those days where wild and crazy, a mind-expanding taste of freedom.
Later I discovered 5 Rhythms and festivals where it was possible to get high naturally, and I felt drawn to the depth that the wave-like journey through different rhythms can create. Exploring this deeper, Ecstatic Dance came my way. And in my passion of discovering and collecting music, I wanted to share it, and began DJ-ing my first Ecstatic Dances in 2014.
Since, my tunes evolved into psychedelic, interwoven organic soundfields, with many medicinal songs and an enticing underlying beat & bass, inviting you on cosmix dance journeys.
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My tunes
are medicinal, shamanic and organic, multi-layered soundfields which invite you to dive deep into yourself and the magical Cosmos we inhabit. Coded with specific frequencies, natural sounds and sometimes spoken wisdom pearls,
my sets entice you onto Journeys into an
expanded state of Ecstatic Awakening.

Movement Medicine
Sariela discovered Movement Medicine after dancing with 5 Rhythms teachers, and fell in love with the practice, and the shamanic container for self-discovery and Transformation. She continued her personal journey with the Apprenticeship Training, and couldn't resist to learn the skills and techniques for teaching as well.
She is now a Movement Medicine Teacher in Training,
and loves to share the deep discovery that can come through the Medicine of Movement.

Medicinal Sound Journeys
When the mind calms down and our senses fully open, we perceive and receive the essence of selected music on a much deeper level, less through active dancing, but 'falling into natural bliss' through deep relaxation and breathwork.
Optionally, micro-doses of natural plant medicines like Cacao, Catuaba or Huachuma can lead you into
very deep and transformational states of awareness, especially in the right setting: an harmonic and supportive energetic environment.
We guide these journeys with Singing Bowls, Shamanic Drums, Guitars, Overtoning and Throat-singing;
we sing Ikaros, Mantras, and Medicine songs
to enter the infinite stream of inner ecstasy.